
What is counselling?

Counselling allows you a safe place to be yourself and to say what you truly feel in confidence without fear of judgment, criticism or unwanted advice. A counsellor will not tell you how to solve your problems, but will help you find your own solutions.

When something is getting you down, counselling can help you gain a clearer understanding of your emotions and can help you to see your own strengths, resources and opportunities you may not have seen before.

There are many times in our lives when counselling may be helpful, including times when we are coping with major changes, times when we are dealing with losses, or times when our self-esteem and confidence is low.

What does counselling involve?

All clients will be offered an initial 6 week series of sessions.  The client and Counsellor will schudule a weekly time slot for the 6 weeks. A session lasts between 50 and 60 minutes unless longer sessions have been arranged.

Who can avail of the counselling service?

We offer an adult counselling service for adults aged 18+ for a range of issues such as bullying, anxiety, depression, grieve, loss, separation, divorce, addiction, stress, low mood, low self-esteem/confidence and more.

We also offer an adolescent counselling service, please contact is on 051 442888 for further information.

For further information on our play therapy services for children please see here

What does it cost?

Our aim is to make counselling services accessible to everyone  in the community and offer  subsided sessions costing  €10- €30 per session depending on personal circumstances.

How to make an appointment:

To arrange an appointment in confidence, call the office on 051 442888.  

Your confidentiality is assured, and our family support workers  are trained in dealing with sensitive and confidential enquiries.

Arrange an appointment in confidence

Your confidentiality is assured and all ARC Family Resource Centre staff are trained in dealing with sensitive and confidential enquiries.

We are here to help

We are dedicated to supporting families in their ever changing needs 

You are welcome to call into us or send an email by clicking on the link below

Become Involved....

There are lots of ways to become involved in our work: volunteering, fundraising,  work  experience, CE Schemes, TUS Schemes and more….

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