ARC Family Resource Centre based in Raheen has three childcare centres one in Raheen and the other two in Adamstown & Rathgarogue, each providing professional and extensive developmental and educational opportunities to the children in a safe and caring environment. The Centres have adopted Aistear: the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework and Síolta, The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education to ensure the highest standard possible within the centres.
The aim of ARC Family Resource Childcare Centres is to provide a range of high quality, affordable and accessible childcare options to meet the needs of parents and their children in a safe, friendly and child-centred environment, where priority is given to the needs and best interests of the child.
Each child is respected as an individual regardless of age, gender, race, disability, social status or religious beliefs. Each child is offered equal opportunities to enable full participation of every child in all activities.
Professional, extensive developmental and educational opportunities to the children in a safe and caring environment.
Snacks, Lunches and After-school Lunches
Raheen Catering Service was established in 2004, and is located in the childcare building. The service provides healthy, nutritious and affordable meals for those attending the childcare centre, the day centre for older people, the local national school, the staff and catering for the wider community.
All food is prepared and cooked on site in the purpose built kitchen. The kitchen is compliant to all relevant legislation and inspections. Delivery, storage and preparation of food are carried out under the H.A.C.C.P. Programme.
Special attention is given to ensuring all food is low in salt, sugar and preservatives.
We are here to help
We are dedicated to supporting families in their ever changing needs
You are welcome to call into us or send an email by clicking on the link below
Become Involved....
There are lots of ways to become involved in our work: volunteering, fundraising, work experience, CE Schemes, TUS Schemes and more….
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